- EU-Canada CETA
- Deep Pit Coal Mining
- Steve Silberman's book "Neurotribes"
- How much costly care should you grant your children?
- The United Nations Post-2015 Agenda
- Weedkiller Roundup "probably carcinogenic to humans"
- Pope Francis' second encyclical
- Bilingual Teacher Certificate "Europa-Lehramt"
- Roundup: WHO classifies Glyphosate "Probably carcinogenic to humans"
- Europe unlikely to meet climate goals
- Internationales MINT-Abitur in Hessen
- Solar Energy Partnership with Africa (SEPA)
- Why what we eat matters
- Setting up and Running a School Garden
- Social Animals
- Teaching Science through English
- Organic food: EU Commision to adapt rules on "Bio" food production and labelling
- Feb. 2014 - Genetically modified corn close to approval in Europe
- Urban Gardening: New urban places of learning
- CLIL Team Teaching with native English assistant teachers
- Teaching Biology
- Science CLIL Support age 14-16
- GB: Science Participation and Aspiration, ages 10-16
- Barley et al.: Benefits of Partnership Schemes
- Bilingualism helps ward off dementia
- The benefits of residential fieldwork for school science
- Wiesbaden, Mittwoch, 13. Feb. 2013
- Commonwealth Student Association launched
- Bilingual Lessons and Mathematical World Views
- Bilingualschulen in Hessen:
- Teaching in a Commonwealth State
- MINT/STEM Lessons from UK
- MNU Jahrestagung 13. Sept. 2012 , Giessen
- Bilingual-Fachtagung 22. Sept. 2012, Köln
- Berufsschule bilingual
- Bilinguale Projekte im Schülerlabor der Ruhr-Universität Bochum
- Royal Society Science Partnership Scheme
- MINTmit-PREIS 2013
- CLIL in der Grundschule
- The Royal Society, the UK’s National Academy of Science
- Europäisches Rahmenprogramm für die Ausbildung von CLIL-Lehrkräften
- “Empowering Language Professionals” - Europarat Conference 2011
- Bilingualer Biologie- und Chemieunterricht an deutschen Schulen
- 3. Fachtagung "Bilingual unterrichten" Berlin und Brandenburg
- Royal Society Summer Science Exhibition 2011
- Royal Society Pairing Scheme
- COMENIUS Förderung von CLIL Lehrerfortbildungen
- Bilingualer Unterricht Hauptschule
- "Bilingualer Unterricht" im Vorbereitungsdienst für die Lehrämter
- Technische Universität Darmstadt: Bilingual Mathematics Programme
- Bilingual Language and Cognition: Interdisciplinary Perspectives
- "Automatische Fertigungssteuerung" meets "Fledermäuse"
- CLIL: Complementing or Compromising Foreign Language Teaching?" Effects and Perspectives of Education Policy Plans
- Ruhr University Bochum: English projects in the "Schüler-Labor" Science Lab
- Hessen: 06/2010 Oberstufen- und Abiturverordnung (OAVO) enforces bilingual teaching
- Scheduled Bilingual Science Cooperations workshops and conferences
- „Live“-Übertragung von Vorlesungen im Kompetenzverbund „Elektrochemie“
- Translating Science