Getting Started
On 4 March 2017 at 09:00, John Oversby <> wrote:
Good morning everyone. Some arrangements:
- Using the Hessen site is an experiment. We have the email list as an alternative if there are any problems.I will copy all communications to a Word document so that I have a record for future use that is available afterwards.
- Maybe using Skype today could be a management problem for me. In addition, transcribing oral is an extra burden. My Skype is john.oversby96 My PC is getting a bit old now so occasionally it might crash from using all the data. Please bear with me if I need to reboot.
- In line with PALAVA directions, feel free to use diagrams as input material. Perhaps anyone who does this can also scan the diagram and send it as soon as convenient.
- The ASE Annual Conference content refers to: a) traditional scientific content from practising scientists (not science educators); b) training teachers to conform to government-imposed policies in an effective way; c) workshops targeting mechanical matters such as conducting practical work, or using pedagogical resources within a directed framework. PALAVA's approach is dissonant to this, epitomised by attending to diagrams and social issues such as ESD. PALAVA's approach is not mainstream which can be a challenge but also refreshing. Many (secondary) science teachers come from a traditional mainstream science background, and are not naturally attracted to the PALAVA approach. We have a hard task but if we have some successes we should be jubilant.
- Feel free to write in from now. I will start the meeting actively from about 0945, and close around 1215 (all GMT).
- At first writing, please give 2 or 3 sentences about yourself as introduction. PALAVA is a mix of formal and informal, so feel free to drink refreshments and eat something as we work, as we do at our face to face meetings :-)
Good luck everyone.