Hessischer Bildungsserver / Arbeitsplattformen

Deutsche Filme auf Englisch

Dieser Beitrag ist abgelaufen: 5. Juni 2001 00:00

Das Medienangebot von Goethe-Institut/Inter Nationes eignet sich auch für den bilingualen Unterricht...

Goethe-Institut Inter Nationes offers a wide range of 16 mm films and videos: Feature films from 100 years of the German film history, through to current titles and documentary films reporting on cultural life in the Federal Republic of Germany. A cultural magazine and a youth magazine round off the programme. The documentary films made available by Goethe-Institut Inter Nationes report on cultural topics such as the fine arts, music, literature, and portraits of towns and landscapes, as well as of individual artists, and provide an impression of everyday life in Germany.

| 6.4.2001