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A Beautiful Mind - Brilliant Madness

Hintergründe zum Film

Dieser Beitrag ist abgelaufen: 20. Mai 2009 00:00

A Brilliant Madness is a PBS special that offers insight into the life of MIT mathematical genius, John Nash. At the age of 30, Nash was diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia after he suddenly began claiming he was a special messenger for aliens. For the next three decades, Nash found himself in and out of mental hospitals. In the mean time, a proof he had written at the age of 20 became a foundation for modern economic theory, and in 1994, Nash was awarded the Nobel Prize in Economics. The PBS program, which is not to be confused with the movie "A Beautiful Mind," airs Sunday, April 28 (check local listings) and features interviews with John Nash, his wife Alicia, his friends and colleagues, and experts in game theory and mental illness. The Web site, a companion to the film, offers users the opportunity to hear an interview with Nash, get a crash course in game theory, trace an historical timeline of the treatment of mental illness through the ages, enter a Q & A forum with a panel of experts on mental illness and recovery, tour a gallery of American Nobel Economists, and much more.

| 20.4.2002