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How to talk about movies

Dieser Beitrag ist abgelaufen: 4. Februar 2009 00:00

Aus den USA kommt dieser Beitrag zum angemessenen Umgang mit Filmen im Unterricht: Bill Martin, After Viewing: Reflections on Responding to Films in the Classroom (2000)

Aus der Einleitung:

Often what we do after a film is a fraud. We have a writing assignment or a quiz or a discussion which does not make anything better and in some cases makes things much worse.

Most of the time we show the film because we know students are going to like it or at least not complain about it and we follow up with an activity so that we can justify the showing. In many cases we show a film after reading. After finishing Romeo and Juliet we watch the film; no justification necessary. Likewise after The Great Gatsby or To Kill a Mockingbird, it's movie time.

For the most part teachers don't really take film seriously. Teachers sit by the door where there is some light from the hall so they can grade papers while students are watching. Or they plan a film for the day they have a doctor's appointment or an appointment with a lawyer. Film is thought of as entertainment and filler...

| 5.1.2002