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BILI-NEWS 4/2007 (31.5.2007)

Ein Newsletter von Bilinguales Lernen Online Hg.: Thomas von Machui http://lernen.bildung.hessen.de/bilingual/ Alle bili-news finden Sie im Archiv der Mailingliste: http://mailman.bildung.hessen.de/pipermail/bilingual/


*Brandenburg Bilingualer Unterricht soll zum Regelangebot entwickelt werden können http://www.pr-inside.com/de/rupprecht-mehr-unterricht-in-fremden-sprache n-r87894.htm

* Baden-Württemberg CDU-Landtagsabgeordnete setzt sich für bilingualen Unterricht an Realschulen ein. http://www.ka-news.de/karlsruhe/news.php4?show=dab2007419-1662D

+++Austausch, Comenius+++

*Pädagogischer Austauschdienst PAD Die Homepage des PAD wurde kürzlich komplett überarbeitet und neu gestaltet. Sie finden hier verlässliche Informationen zu Programmen für den Austausch im Schulbereich, die der PAD im Auftrag der Länder durchführt. Im Rahmen des Programms für lebenslanges Lernen ist der PAD auch Nationale Agentur für EU-Programme im Schulbereich. Auf den Seiten des PAD finden Sie Informationen, praktische Beispiele und weiterführende Links. Außerdem stehen Antragsformulare und Merkblätter für die einzelnen Programme zum Herunterladen bereit. http://www.kmk-pad.org/

*Hessen: Servicestelle Internationale Begegnungen Hier finden Sie eine umfangreiche Übersicht über alle internationalen Programme für hessische SchülerInnen und Lehrkräfte. Das Staatliche Schulamt in Groß-Gerau koordiniert diese Dinge. http://schulamt-gross-gerau.bildung.hessen.de/service/ib Möchte Ihre Schule an einem Comenius-Projekt teilnehmen? Hier eine aktualisierte Liste der Angebote: http://schulamt-gross-gerau.bildung.hessen.de/service/ib/sokrates/projek tpartnersuche

* Discussion Paper: Secondary School Student Exchanges in the United States The Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs of the U.S. Department of State recently released a "Discussion Paper on Secondary School Student Exchanges in the United States". This paper provides an overview of the Secondary School Student Exchange Visitor Program and presents data describing the 2006-2007 academic year. It offers observations of the current state of these programs and their participants. It also identifies pitfalls that may lead to unsuccessful programs and seeks feedback on how best to avoid them. The Department intends that this paper be a first step in an industry-wide dialogue that will encourage best practices and the successful programs we all want. http://opendoors.iienetwork.org/?p=HighSchoolExchanges

*Binationales Internetprojekt 2007 für Schulklassen aus Baden-Württemberg und Frankreich Berichte und Ergebnisse des Projekts http://elearning-politik.net/moodle/mod/book/view.php?id=3373

+++Alle Fächer+++

*CD-ROM GrafStat: Jugend und Europa Ganz im europäischen Geist erscheint die Neuauflage von "Forschen mit GrafStat" gleich viersprachig: Auf Deutsch, Englisch, Französisch und Polnisch stehen Software, das Unterrichtsprojekt "Jugend und Europa" und Evaluationspakete für europäische Freizeiten zur Verfügung. http://www.bpb.de/publikationen/TSS0AI

*Internetportal "the voyage kids" Was ist "very British?" und was ist "typisch deutsch"? Das ist eine der Fragen, der Kinder und Jugendliche im deutsch-britischen Jugendportal für Sprache, Kultur und Kontakte nachgehen können. Das Internetportal lädt Kinder zwischen 8 und 12 Jahren ein, sich im Netz über Großbritannien zu informieren. Das Auswärtige Amt, das Goethe-Institut, British-Council und Foreign & Commonwealth bündeln hier verschiedenste Informationsangebote. Rätsel, Spiele und Geschichten lassen sich sowohl in englischer als auch in deutscher Sprache lesen und erarbeiten. Das Angebot lässt sich zur Unterstützung unterrichtlicher Differenzierung einsetzen und richtet sich an Lehrer aller Schulformen. http://www.the-voyage.com/

*Your road to better grammar Jede Menge sehr brauchbarer Übungen - "Grammar Quizzes", Word Search Puzzles, Free Sample Teacher and Student Downloads: Conversation worksheets with teachers' notes and methodolgy, tipps on teaching writing, 100 conversation questions to start your lessons http://www.roadtogrammar.com/ entdeckt dank eines Hinweises von Jochen Lüders in der enpaed at yahoogroups.com Mailingliste Zur Website gibt es auch ein Weblog http://r2g-r2g2.blogspot.com/

*Filmarbeit in den Fremdsprachen: DigiTales Die DigiTales, die europaweit gesammelten Kurzfilme im Netz, eignen sich als Materialfundus für den Fremdsprachenunterricht: In zwei Doppelstunden erarbeiten die Lernenden in Kleingruppen die Aussagen eines Kurzfilms und vertonen diesen. http://www.lehrer-online.de/dyn/9.asp?url=590313.htm

*Englisch im Beruf: Was Schüler für die Zukunft wirklich brauchen Eine aktuelle Studie von BusinessSpotlight bietet interessante Erkenntnisse für die Unterrichtsgestaltung: Das Sprachmagazin befragte über 1.000 Arbeitnehmer zu ihren Englischkenntnissen und den Anforderungen im internationalen Berufsleben. http://www.teachersnews.net/te68/index.nsf/url/03F83031F97E47F4C12572E50 0469EFD?OpenDocument

* Using "Think-Time" and "Wait-Time" Skilfully in the Classroom Information processing involves multiple cognitive tasks that take time.Students need uninterrupted periods of time to process information; reflect on what has been said, observed, or done; and consider what their personal responses will be.(ERIC Digest) http://www.ericdigests.org/1995-1/think.htm


*e-PARTICIPATION.NET Der British Council und politik-digital.de haben am 21. Mai 2007 in Berlin die englischsprachige Website www.e-participation.net freigeschaltet. Auf der Seite werden Online-Projekte fuer eine bessere politische Beteiligung vorgestellt. http://www.e-participation.net/

* Breaking the News >From the UK's Channel 4, a comprehensive guide to the critical analysis and production of television news, including a range of downloadable resources for the classroom. http://www.channel4.com/learning/breakingthenews/index.html

*LESSON PLAN: GETTING TO THE BOTTOM OF GITMO: Understanding the Guantanamo Bay Detention Camp and Military Tribunals BASED ON THE ARTICLE: Plea of Guilty From Detainee in Guantánamo, By WILLIAM GLABERSON,March 28, 2007 URL: http://www.nytimes.com/learning/teachers/featured_articles/20070328wedne sday.html OVERVIEW OF LESSON PLAN: In this lesson, students learn about the first military tribunal of a Guantanamo Bay camp detainee. They then take part in a collaborative writing exercise in which they have a "conversation on paper" with each other about various documents related to Guantanamo Bay and civil liberties.

*The World Bank: An Online Atlas of the Millennium Development Goals The World Bank established a set of Millennium Development Goals as both a challenge to poor countries to demonstrate "good governance" and to wealthy nations as a spur that would hopefully encourage them to support economic and social development. Recently, the World Bank created this visually engaging and sophisticated interactive atlas to track those eight goals, which include the promotion of gender equality, combating disease, and reducing child mortality. Visitors can click on any of these eight goals and they will be able to view maps of the world that document the progress that has been made in each nation. Clicking on each nation individually brings up clear and easy-to-read tables that chart additional changes within each separate goal. Visitors can export the data for their own use, and they can also resize the map to demonstrate the changes made over the past few years. http://devdata.worldbank.org/atlas-mdg/large.html

*The Beginner's Guide to Nation-Building Nation building is a difficult process, and creating a suitable template that could be used in a host of different regions around the world seems practically impossible. A team of three scholars at the RAND Corporation has recently completed their 330-page scholarly exploration into this complex subject. Drawing on experiences from 16 US- and UN-led nation-building operations since World War II, the report deals with the various constituent elements of any nation-building mission, including the rule of law, governance, and economic stabilization, among others. Visitors also have the opportunity to watch an interview with one of the report's authors, James Dobbins, and if pressed for time, they can also look at a research brief which summarizes recommendations from the complete report. http://www.rand.org/pubs/monographs/MG557/

* Doors to Diplomacy The U. S. Department of State sponsors the "Doors to Diplomacy" educational challenge - to encourage middle school and high school students around the world to produce web projects that teach others about the importance of international affairs and diplomacy. http://www.globalschoolnet.org/gsh/doors/


*LESSON PLAN: CLOSING THE GENDER GAP: Creating Public Service Posters that Inspire Girls to Pursue Studies in Computer Science BASED ON THE ARTICLE: Computer Science Takes Steps to Bring Women to the Fold, By CORNELIA DEAN,April 19, 2007 URL: http://www.nytimes.com/learning/teachers/featured_articles/20070419thurs day.html OVERVIEW OF LESSON PLAN: In this lesson, students share words and associations related to computer scientists. They then create public service posters designed to inspire girls in their school to pursue studies in computer science. Learning is synthesized by writing reflection papers that address how their own voices might be heard in the development of technologies that impact their peers and the world.


*The Power of Place: Geography for the 21st Century The field of geography is undergoing something of a renaissance, and more and more schools are including it in their basic curriculum. Educators (and the generally curious) will be delighted to learn about this informative series created by the Cambridge Studios in 2003. It has since made its way online to the Annenberg Media website, and it can be viewed in its entirety here. The series includes academic commentary from various scholars, maps, illustrative animations, and it covers a wide range of topics. Some of the individual episodes include "The Transforming Industrial Heartland", "Global Interaction", and "Ethnic Fragmentation in Canada". Visitors can watch any of these twenty-six episodes after completing a free online registration form, and they can also look at a separate website created just for this particular program. http://www.learner.org/resources/series180.html

*The Global Warming Survival Guide: 51 Things We Can Do to Save the Environment: Can one person slow global warming? Actually, yes. You - along with scientists, businesses and governments - can create paths to cut carbon emissions. Here is our guide to some of the planet's best ideas. http://www.time.com/time/specials/2007/environment/


*LESSON PLAN: GOING MEDIEVAL: Role Playing the Middle Ages in the History Classroom BASED ON THE ARTICLE: Belgians Hail the Middle Ages (Well, Not the Plague Part), By DAN BILEFSKY,April 11, 2007 URL: http://www.nytimes.com/learning/teachers/featured_articles/20070411wedne sday.html OVERVIEW OF LESSON PLAN: In this lesson, students learn about historical reenactment societies in Belgium. They then research, create, and perform scenes from the Middle Ages.

*LESSON PLAN: TODAY'S NEWS, TOMORROW'S HISTORY: Exploring Historic and Current Front Page News in The New York Times BASED ON THE ARTICLE: Housing Slump Pinches States in Pocketbook, By ABBY GOODNOUGH,April 9, 2007 URL: http://www.nytimes.com/learning/teachers/featured_articles/20070409monda y.html OVERVIEW OF LESSON PLAN: In this lesson, students assess, by analyzing historic New York Times front pages, how print journalism reflects the values and language of the society in which it is created.

*Napoleonic Period Collection Napoleon Bonaparte never visited the part of North America that would later become Washington State, but he probably would have been intrigued by this online collection created by the University of Washington Libraries Digital Collection project. This latest collection brings together 83 satirical drawings from the Napoleonic period. http://content.lib.washington.edu/napoleonweb/index.html

*Workshop of the World The West Midlands region of England has been an important center of commerce and industry for well over five hundred years. The city of Coventry was a dominant center of wool and clothing manufacturing in the Middle Ages, and Birmingham was a prime location of industry during the Industrial Revolution. Drawing on the collections of museums in Birmingham, Coventry, Stoke-on-Trent (and others), the Workshop of the World website brings together some of the compelling inventions that came out of the West Midlands region in the 19th century. Visitors can look over several dozen of these inventions, including an automatic wood screw making machine, a button shank making device, and a rotative steam engine. Each object is accompanied by a photo or illustration, and a short essay gives detailed background information about the object's importance and use. http://www.workshopoftheworld.co.uk/


*Biologie: Stammzellendebatte in den britischen Medien In dieser fächerverbindenden Unterrichtseinheit nähern sich Schülerinnen und Schüler der Oberstufe aus zwei Perspektiven - der der Fächer Englisch und Biologie - dem Thema Stammzellenforschung. Anhand von Original-Online-Artikeln wird die Berichterstattung zu "Human Cow Cells" in den britischen Printmedien kritisch hinterfragt und verglichen. http://www.lehrer-online.de/dyn/9.asp?url=596984.htm

*Microscope Imaging Station The Exploratorium in San Francisco continues to break new and intriguing ground with their latest online project, the Microscope Imaging Station. The actual physical Station resides at their museum, and was opened in 2004. Developed to complement this interactive exhibit, this online manifestation of the Station allows visitors to peer into the cells of living organisms such as sea urchins and zebrafish. http://www.exploratorium.edu/imaging_station/index.html

*Silencing Genomes While we may have complete genome sequences for humans and some animals, scientists are now entering the "post genome" era. The challenges of this era include determining the physiological functions of the thousands of new genes "for which little is known beyond their sequences." The use of RNAi, along with bioinformatics, can provide scientists with the tools to determine these functions in living organisms. This interactive and informative site, created by Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, allows visitors to learn about the ways in which RNAi functions. http://www.silencinggenomes.org/

*Introduction to Genetics Keeping the world of base pairs straight can be a challenge, but fortunately this well-developed introduction to the world of genetics will be a boon to students and those members of the public who are craving a refresher on this exciting area of science. Created by GlaxoSmithKline, the site includes a number of interactive animations that illustrate the workings of DNA and genes. Along with these animations, visitors can read over brief introductory pieces on mutations and genetic disorders. The site also has a brief multiple choice quiz that users can take after they make their way through the different sections here. http://genetics.gsk.com/overview.htm

*Six Ideas That Shaped Physics Developed by Professor Thomas A. Moore of Pomona College, the Six Ideas That Shaped Physics textbook was designed to help students gain a contemporary perspective on the discipline, along with giving them the ability to better understand the organization of physics concepts. While the site doesn't allow visitors to access the actual textbook, physics instructors will find a number of helpful instructional materials here that they can use in the classroom. These resources include sections on optics, links to a number of useful computer programs, and some notes for instructors on how best to use these materials. http://www.physics.pomona.edu/sixideas/


*The Mathematical Association of America: Innovative Teaching Exchange The Mathematical Association of America has developed the Innovative Teaching Exchange in order to facilitate the exchange of interesting and compelling teaching resources. http://www.maa.org/t_and_l/exchange/exchange.html

*Math Lessons The creator of this site is one Gisele Glosser, who happens to be the "Mrs. Glosser" referenced throughout the site. She is also an experienced math teacher who has worked in New York and New Jersey. In an effort to assist her fellow educators, she has created this delightful collection of math lessons. Visitors will want to look over the lessons, which are listed in full here. While some of the materials require a fee, there are a number of lessons offered completely free of charge. In total, there are thirty free lessons here, and they cover such topics as probability, symbolic logic, understanding percent, and number theory. http://www.mathgoodies.com/lessons/

*The Math Worksheet Site This website brings together a number of math worksheets for general use. The site is maintained by Scott Bryce, and while some of the materials require a subscription, there is enough free material to warrant several visits. Visitors should take a look at the "Preview" section, where they can look over examples of instructional worksheets that cover concepts such fractions, mixed numbers, graphing, and measurement. The site is rounded out by a weblog, which is updated with additional materials and suggestions on using the site. http://themathworksheetsite.com/

+++Art & Music+++

*LESSON PLAN: FOR PUBLIC DISPLAY: Curating Exhibits That Express Different Points of View on a Common Theme BASED ON THE ARTICLE: Leaving Room for the Troublemakers, By HOLLAND COTTER,March 29, 2007 URL: http://www.nytimes.com/learning/teachers/featured_articles/20070329thurs day.html OVERVIEW OF LESSON PLAN: In this lesson, students compare three works of art to understand how juxtaposition can express a point of view. They then brainstorm topics of interest to them and their respective communities that could act as a springboard for curating individual exhibits of art and/or artifacts.

* Introduction to Modern and Contemporary Art Rothko, Picasso, and Kapoor are but some of the many artists covered in the delightful online course on the world of modern and contemporary art offered by the Tate Online website. Developed as part of their educational outreach efforts, this course offers a brief primer on some of the developments in this field of art, and for those who might find themselves intimidated by such a subject, this is a perfect place to start learning. Utilizing materials from the Tate Modern museum and a variety of other visual materials, this online course contains eight units, including "Art and Materials", "Art and Everyday Life", and "Art and Politics". After registering on the site, visitors can proceed through these units at their leisure, and they can also download complementary brochures for each unit. http://www.tate.org.uk/ita/


*"On y va": Deutsch-französische Projektideen gesucht Welches Potential in den deutsch-französischen Beziehungen steckt, vor allem in der Begegnung und Partnerschaft zwischen den Bürgerinnen und Bürgern, das soll der neue Ideenwettbewerb "On y va - auf geht's!" der Robert Bosch Stiftung zeigen. Für eine Förderung von jeweils bis zu 5.000 Euro können sich ab sofort auch Schulen in Deutschland und Frankreich bewerben. http://www.lehrer-online.de/dyn/9.asp?url=596074.htm

*Samia - interkulturelle Begegnungen Die Beschäftigung mit interkultureller Problematik ist auch im Französischunterricht aktuell. Der Film "Samia" zeigt den Alltag eines Mädchens algerischer Abstammung, das im heutigen Frankreich traditionell erzogen wird. Axel Braun lässt Schülerinnen und Schüler filmbegleitend im Internet recherchieren. Wir können ein Exemplar der DVD unter Ihnen verlosen. http://www.lehrer-online.de/dyn/9.asp?url=594793.htm

| 1.6.2007