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Feb. 2014 - Genetically modified corn close to approval in Europe

EU rule: Commission to decide, despite Parliament vote

Dieser Beitrag ist abgelaufen: 15. März 2016 00:00

NY Times: Modified Corn a Step Closer to Approval in Europe

(FEB. 11, 2014) LONDON — .. after six scientific opinions and two legal challenges ... insect-resistant type of corn on the verge of being approved ... Despite clear opposition from a majority of member countries,.. authorization under the European Union’s complex weighted voting system


BBC: EU set to grow more GM maize despite strong opposition

( ) EU set to approve ... genetically modified maize ... despite huge opposition. ... decision now in the Commission's hands. ... Most EU governments objected ... EU rules: Commission can now authorise it. ... GM crops are engineered in labs to be resistant to pests and weedkillers.... widely cultivated in the US, South America and Asia. ... majority of European Parliament members objected.

the guardian: GMOs aren't the problem. Our industrial food system is

(6 November 2013) Genetic scientists at corporations like Monsanto splice genes from one organism into the DNA of another in order to produce certain desired traits in the offspring... Until the development of genetic engineering, however, we could not combine genes from biologically dissimilar organisms... Genetic material from bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) bacterium inserted into plant DNA to make them toxic to insects... In some respects, Bt an environmental success story. ... However, Monsanto's Roundup Ready crops:  genetically engineered to withstand repeated dousing by the insecticide Roundup (a trade name for glyphosate). ...  has led to spread of "superweeds" resistant to Roundup ... farmers to use even more toxic poisons, like 2,4-D - an ingredient of the Vietnam War defoliant Agent Orange - and Dicamba in order to control them. .... Trying to eliminate genetic engineering is a fool's errand: genie is not going back into bottle .. struggle against GMOs is fighting symptoms, ignoring the disease: ... humanity's abuse of nature.

| 9.4.2014